Wednesday, June 27, 2012

4th of July

One of the great things about living in Wimberley is that every now and then, it truly has a small town feel. Case in point, is the annual Wimberley 4th of July parade.  Years ago, I lived on Cypress Creek across from the square and always had the best seat in the house. 

Here's a little known fact about me: parades - especially this one - make me cry.  I'm not sure why but I always got overwhelmed with this weird, bittersweet sadness. After I moved away from the creek, I never went back to the parades.

Now that I work at CCC and the parade announcing is done from our balcony, it's sort of like being tortured.   There's just this innocence about it and it makes me feel like I missed out on something. That whole 'small town America' thing usually goes right over my head. I've been in Wimberley long enough now that I complain about the traffic and "all those people from Houston." I avoid driving into Wimberley on Market Days; I can't remember the last time I actually shopped on the square and I've worked in this vicinity on and off since 1985 when I moved here from Los Angeles.  

Wimberley has gone through a lot of changes, droughts, floods, arguments and ordinances over the years but the things that remain constant and the traditions that make this such a unique place to live are why we stay. Working at this cafe, I sometimes forget that this building is a part of the history of Wimberley and that thousands of people have shared meals and good times since 1937. 

We hope to continue the tradition for years to come and it's nice to be a part of the parade even if I can't watch it.....


Happy July 4th!

This is probably the best performance ever captured of the National Anthem.  Hope you enjoy.

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